Reporting Bugs or Issues

Despite best efforts, you might encounter unforeseen challenges. When that happens, here's how to report them:



2 mins


Enrique West.

Preparing a Report

Preparing a Report

Gather Information: Outline the problem clearly. Include details like what you were trying to do, what you expected to happen, and what actually occurred.

Screenshots and Logs: Attach relevant screenshots showcasing the issue. If possible, include any error logs that SkySync might have generated.

Submitting the Report

In-App Reporting: Navigate to the "Help" or "Support" section in SkySync and find the "Report an Issue" option.

Via Email: If the in-app method isn't available, you might have a dedicated support email. Ensure your subject line is descriptive, e.g., "Syncing Issue with MacOS Client."

After Submission

Ticket Number: Once your issue is submitted, you should receive a unique ticket or reference number. Keep this handy for future correspondences.

Support Interaction: A support representative might reach out to you for more details or to provide solutions. Respond promptly to expedite the resolution process.


Oct 7, 2023

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Oct 7, 2023

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